The service is performed by collecting and delivering baggage, previously identified in the places you specify. Baggage must be prepared on 8 h . , Will be delivered in the morning. Collect and leave luggage in hostels, hotels, B , .... Always sure that your luggage will be guarded , make a safe and responsible transportation.

Price to transport backpacks
Prices for stages 20-30 miles , for more contact distance or special cases . Maximum weight per bag should not exceed 15-20 kg.

From 1-4 knapsacks: € 6 per pack
From 5-9 knapsacks: € 5 per pack From 10 knapsacks:
Request for quotation

If you must cancel the service by reason of force majeure, the amount will be returned to the transport does not take place, provided that notice is given 24 hours in advance of the completion of the service. We take care of the damage that may occur during transport luggage thereof.

How to hire transport your backpack
You can hire and pay for the French Road ONLINE (only from León a Santiago, Finisterre y Muxia)

For other ways you report here. |